Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Benefits of Hiring Professional Writers/Bloggers

I frequently encourage business owners to incorporate Business Blogs onto their company website because it is a strong marketing tool. Many owners, after hearing the advantages of Business Blogging, choose to utilize this effective marketing strategy. However, they sometimes decide to forego the expense of hiring a Professional Writer and opt to produce the content themselves.

If you have a niche for writing then this is an absolutely wonderful idea. What better way to increase web visibility and improve customer relations without increasing operating costs. However, for the business owner who is not as adept at writing, this could mean tredging in dangerous water. Poorly written Blogs will damage your company's image and reputation. If the quality of your Blog is poor, then customers will distrust your products and services.

When used correctly, Business Blogging is a very competitve marketing tool. However it is not without risk. A Business Blog contributes to the image of your company so you want to make sure that it is reflective of the quality of your products and services. If writing is not exactly your niche, it may be risky to take on Blogging by yourself.

Recent trends clearly indicate the benefits of Business Blogging and it is to your company's advantage to Blog regularly. If you want to increase your pool of customers but dread the thought of daily or weekly Blog updates, consider outsourcing the job to Professional Writers/Bloggers. When choosing whether or not to outsource, be sure to weigh the costs and benefits of hiring a professional to do the work for you. Considering how cost efficient Business Blogging actually is, it would certainly be worth your while to consider outsourcing to a professional. Your company will thank you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How Professional Bloggers Preserve Your Company's Image

I was recently reviewing the company website of a close friend and was excited to see that she incorporated a Business Blog on the website. As Owner and Founder of The Blogging Source I am fully aware of all of the advantages that come with Business Blogging. As I opened the Blog and began to read, however, I was horrified by what I encountered.

My friend is an excellent Entrepreneur, however her Business Blog had an adverse effect on her company's reputation. Unfortunately, the Blog was riddled with spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. What could have been an excellent promotional strategy ended up having a negative impact on her company's image.

Business Blogging can be a powerful tool to market your company's products and services, however, poorly written Blogs can actually do more damage than good. If writing is not your niche, hiring a Professional Blogger to maintain your Business Blog would prove to be a more effective strategy. What's great about this type of service is that the costs are quite reasonable. Your company would benefit from quality marketing even on a limited budget.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Benefit of Business Blogging

One of the benefits of linking a Business Blog to your company website is to help consumers get to know you on a more personal level. People are more prone to do business with organizations that they trust and Blogs are a great way to build rapport with the online community. Using blogs for things such as highlighting "Employees of the Month" would be a great option. Customers will feel an increased sense of familiarity with your company AND the Employee Spotlight will help employees feel a sense of accomplishment. The Personal Image Consultants at The Blogging Source will help you increase customer trust AND employee productivity.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Blogging to Promote Small Businesses

Many small business owners are unaware of an extremely effective marketing tool that is taking Corporate America by storm. Blogging is one of the most effective ways of introducing your company's services to a larger pool of consumers. Business owners can promote their company and increase revenue by posting frequent company updates to their Business Blog.

This marketing technique can be tedious and time consuming, so hiring a Professional Writer/Blogger to compile regular company updates is quite beneficial for the small business owner. Not only does it save time but it is also a cost efficient approach to marketing products and services.

The Blogging Source is a marketing service that provides small business owners with a Personal Image Consultant to help them use Blogging to effectively market their business. Visit our website for more information on how we can help you grow your company.